Thanks to Janice Nicolle for this letter today. We couldn’t agree more.
Green space is an asset in P.E.I.
I was shocked to learn that Mr. MacKay, developer, referred to this green space on Queens Road, Three Rivers, as a “mismanaged forest lot.”
Like many generations of Islanders, I grew up surrounded by forests. It was our playground as we had nowhere else to go. Along with the rivers, ocean, ponds, et cetera, it is essential like breathing. We were all low-income (poor), but we did have nature that supported us.
I do not accept Mr. MacKay’s assertion that the trees have to be cut in order to survey the land. Three Rivers town council should seek other independent information.
It is hard to fathom that there are no laws protecting green spaces. Council should block this. This is their responsibility to protect the common good.
Yes, P.E.I. desperately needs housing. But we need evidenced-based research on what kind. Housing can reduce inequities. This proposal is for the non-resident wealthy and will perpetuate inequality.
Mr. MacKay makes a personal judgment that this forest is where kids get up to no good. Perhaps, but this comment has no place in a meeting.
It is the right and responsibility of citizens in a democracy to ask questions. Mr. MacKay does not seem to understand this. Again, his comment is that “people are looking for a fight”.
I would recommend the Three Rivers town council look for a qualified independent chair to avoid this at future meeting.
Janice Nicolle,